Families Belong Together
What Can We Do: Contact Congress
Tamar Haro, Senior Director of Federal and State Advocacy, is being told regularly from congressional staff that they are not hearing from their constituents. There is a lot of media coverage right now. What is needed is pressure on members on Congress. Here are some ways to reach out to your representatives.
Feel free to forward these widely! The first one is targeted at pediatricians to gather support and awareness.
To United States House of Representatives, President Donald Trump, The United States Senate - Pediatricians Against Family Separation (created by Kaitlyn Olson, MD - UCSF PLUS alumna)
To Secretary Nielsen and Attorney Sessions, Letter Opposing Family Separation (Physicians for Human Rights)
Petitions by CREDO:
Tell DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen: “Separating families at the border is inhumane and unnecessary. Stop this cruel practice immediately.”
Find contact info here
The Republican immigration proposals by Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Bob Goodlatte -- which fail to end family separations and could actually lead to more children living in jails -- will be voted on in a matter of days.
We need to make sure our elected representatives hear us loud and clear: Congress must take meaningful action to humanely end family separations, not blow up the immigration system, as the Ryan and Goodlatte proposals would.
Call your representatives and tell them to end family separations at the border.
Call your representative and tell them to vote NO on the Ryan and Goodlatte immigration bills.
"Hi, my name is __________ and I am a [health care provider] in [your city]. I'm calling to ask you to vote NO on the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018 by Speaker Paul Ryan, and to vote NO on the Securing America’s Future Act by Rep. Bob Goodlatte. These bills do nothing to stop family separations at the border, and they go against America's welcoming values. Thank you."
House GOP-proposed immigration bills - potential vote by end of this week
CALL TO SUPPORT the “Keep Families Together” Act - supported by the AAP
Here is a link to ACLU that will enable you to call directly to your Senators
Urge your Member of Congress to cosponsor the following legislation:
S.3036 – Keep Families Together Act
H.R. 2572 - Protect Family Values at the Border Act
H.R. 5950/S.2937 – the HELP Separated Children Act
H.R. 2043/S. 2468 - Fair Day in Court for Kids Act of 2018
Visit the AAP Department of Federal Affairs site to send a message on your behalf as a member. (Needs AAP login)
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