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Patient Materials: Know Your Rights

In this section, choose from a variety of easy-to-read graphics, handouts, and flyers about these critical topics: "Know Your Rights," tips for encounters with ICE and other law enforcement. 


These materials can be disseminated in numerous ways: available in waiting areas, patient rooms, during clinic visits, as community workshops.  Consider organizing a "Know Your Rights" workshop at your site, nearby family resource center, or other community location. Most immigration legal organizations welcome requests for speakers - either for communities or health providers.  To coordinate a successful community workshop, actively involve trusted members of the community during organization and recruitment.

We strongly recommend taking the few extra moments to explaining materials with the patient. Simply providing a handout can be ineffective and overwhelming to some patients.

These materials were designed by well-established legal organizations who work at the national  and/or community level (please visit their websites by clicking the orange links for more resources and action events).

Know Your Rights Cards

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)

Red Cards - Two Sides

Spanish I Order Cards

Chinese I Spanish I Tagalog (Alternate Source)

Side 1: Constitutional Rights; Side 2: Statement for Law Enforcement

Arabic/English "Red" Card

Template for wallet card to be handed to law enforcement in the event of an encounter.

United We Dream

Know Your Rights Screen Shots for Phone

Deportation Defense Know Your Rights images designed for use on phone. Available in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, English, Spanish

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Assorted Multilingual KYR Cards

Download: LGBTQ Students I Stopped by ICE/FBI

Purchase: Stopped By ICE/FB/PoliceIPolice at SchoolsLGBTQ Students I

Other KYR cards available for purchase include: Protests, LGBTW College Students, Gender & Self-Epression

KYR Handouts & Flyers

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