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Families Belong Together

What Can We Do: Donate

If none of the other options are possible for whatever reason, donating money to a cause is just as helpful.  Many organizations are doing work on the ground to help children and families affected by the administration's immigration policies.  Most of these organizations are focusing on legal support, asylum support, and providing bail money for parents to reunite with children upon release.  You may also see a lot of fundraising efforts on Facebook if you use that platform. 


Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)

Texas Civil Rights Project

  • Legal advocacy group defending families separated at the border

The Florence Project

  • Non-profit legal organization providing free legal support for immigrants in custody in Arizona

Kids In Need of Defense (KIND)

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

ActBlue: Support Kids at the Border Campaign

  • Divides your contribution among various groups fighting for immigrant rights

  • This campaign is directly sponsored by ActBlue Charities

There are many other lists developing.  If you would like to explore more:

We are grateful to all of the advocates and partners in this work.
Collaborators include:

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