Policies & Procedures
Creating Policies to Protect Patients
To establish effective policies and procedures for an ICE visit, consider developing/using the following for your institution:
Algorithm: A quick-reference guide to post in clinical areas.
Summary Document: A concise overview for easy access (see Blue Cards below).
Detailed Procedures: Comprehensive instructions with rationale.
FAQ Document: Answers for staff, integrating content from the algorithm and detailed procedures.
Key Components for Policies Supporting Patients:
The facility will provide care to all patients, regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
Providers will ask about or document country of origin/documentation status only if clinically relevant.
Patient presence in the clinic and medical records will not be shared with law enforcement without proper warrants.
ICE encounters on institutional property should follow a structured response, similar to a medical emergency (e.g., code blue), with clearly assigned tasks and roles.
Define what areas are considered private/non-public property.
Staff are prohibited from allowing ICE officers to enter/search without proper authorization.
Provide a contact plan for on- and off-duty hours.
Train providers and staff in handling “Code Colds” (ICE-related emergencies). See Blue Cards below for suggestions
Below are examples of ICE response policies and procedures that can be adapted to fit your institution's needs. For Rapid Response Protocols, please see this page.
Local policies such as a Sanctuary City designation can also protect families. We have included information about Sanctuary Cities here.
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