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Contacting Representatives

How to contact & what to say

Find Your Representative​​​

Click the button to reach Common Cause
Enter your address find contact information for your elected officials

Sample Call Script

You: Hello, my name is [insert name]. I'm a consultant from [home town or zip code]. Could I please speak to the Legislative Assistant who handles immigration?

Office: Hi, this is [name of office assistant], how can I help you? 

You: I am calling today because I am deeply concerned about ongoing ICE raids and encounters across the country, as well as recent legislative efforts to expand ICE's authority. I urge [representative name] to oppose any measures that harm immigrant communities and disrupt access to essential services.

Optional: Share a story about a patient or community impact. Thank you for your time.

If leaving a voicemail, leave your full street address so your call is tallied.​​

More Ways to Contact your Respresentatives

5 Calls

Enter your address & pick your issues to get appropriate phone numbers and call scripts. Available as an app.

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Provides summaries detailing upcoming bills while easing the process of sharing your thoughts with your representative.​


Turns a text from your phone or Facebook into a fax that is sent to your representative. To get started, text RESIST to 50409.

We are grateful to all of the advocates and partners in this work.
Collaborators include:

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