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Safer Healthcare: Resources For Organizing

There are lots of excellent guides to organizing and facilitating change.  


Below, you will find are a few key slides from Organizing 101, a guide put together by Patricia Arroyos for the University of California Student Association and the United States Student Association.

The next box has some links to a few organizing guides that are available on the internet.

UCSA & USSA Organizing 101 Presentation & Excerpts

Organizing 101 Full Presentation

Full presentation put together by University of California Student Association & the United States Student Association.  Good overview of strategies for organizing and useful tools to use when planning campaign.

Theory of Change

Developing a theory of change can help your organization move from the existing conditions to the goal state.  A theory of change can help shape a campaign - who to target and what strategies and tactics to use - and keep the campaign rooted in its fundamental values.  There are many models available.  This is just one example.

Developing Strategy

Strategies help us get from point A to point B.  Fleshing out key strategy details ensures that an organizations resources and time get used most effectively and are focused on the goal of the strategy.  This is an example of strategic planning and includes some of the key questions that need to be answered when designing a strategy.

Power Mapping

Power Mapping is a visual tool that can help analyze power relationships around an issue or an agenda.  It is a framework for problem solving through relationship building.

More Information:

Organizing For Change

Organization 1

California Major Benefits Programs Available to Immigrants (May, 2017)

Mostly Massachusetts focused, but some broader information as well

Organization 2

Post-Election San Francisco Public Benefits FAQ (March 2017)

Mostly Massachusetts focused, but some broader information as well

Organization 3

Immigrants & Public Benefits: Basic Benefits Training Resources (March 2017)

Mostly Massachusetts focused, but some broader information as well

Organization 4

Immigrants & Public Benefits: Basic Benefits Training Resources (March 2017)

Mostly Massachusetts focused, but some broader information as well

Organizing Guides & Toolkits

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